Scrying mirror

With my new journey of exploring nature and elemental magic It was decided by my mentor that we would start with the element water. Water is good with healing and divination. I decided that I would try a scrying mirror for the first time. Of course I am all about crafting your own tools when […]

Follow your passion

I had a recent realization that some of the people I cared for, who I thought would support me on my spiritual path, were not actually supportive of me. They had acted supportive previously but over time it became obvious by their words and actions that they neither supported me nor believed that I could […]

Take the time

I was spending time with a friend of mine and she was on the floor organizing and as I was leaving I went over and kneeled beside her so I could give her a hug before I left. She replied ‘You don’t have to get on the floor for me, you could have just blown […]